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The Wild Flower of the Palace

By: Heegu, null, sungsojak
Hun is the carefree crown prince of the Taesa Kingdom, wholly uninterested in state affairs and devoted only to his lover. However, Ryuha, his appointed bride, has other plans. With her ruthless tactics and political finesse, Ryuha plans to charm and educate him so that he stands a chance at surviving... but the imperial concubine and her son are dead set on taking the palace for themselves. Ryuha must navigate the lies, spies, and savagery of the concubine, whereas Hun must face his growing feelings for Ryuha and figure out why she feels so familiar to him. Meanwhile, a mysterious tragedy from the past tying the two together threatens to rear its ugly head. Will Ryuha be able to use her wit and charm to protect Hun and take hold of the palace before it's too late? ⓒ null, Heegu, sungsojak 2022 / MunpiaWebtoonSPC All rights reserved. Published by Tappytoon under license from partners.


The Wild Flower of the Palace
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