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The East Wind of the Altas

By: Tappytoon Studio, Ziseo
The people of Genevu always pay their debts. So when peasant girl Claire throws herself under Marquess Balt Morenheitz's favorite horse, forcing him to kill the animal to save her life, she must repay him by spending a night in his bed. But Balt isn't satisfied with just one night and moves Claire and her family to live at his palace so that she can "service" him whenever he pleases. However, Claire may end up paying Balt back more than he could've imagined... because Claire isn't quite the simple peasant girl she appears to be. As Balt becomes increasingly embroiled in the empire's political mayhem, Claire's true identity will become a deciding factor in his success, or else a catalyst for his downfall. Whichever it may be, Claire will be sure to repay her debt before she leaves! This comic contains depictions of non-consensual sexual acts. Reader discretion is advised. ⓒ Ziseo, Tappytoon Studio All rights reserved. Published by Tappytoon under license from partners.
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