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The Dawn in Moscow

By: Lee Syano, Rosa foetida
After giving up everything and going against his parents’ wishes to pursue his dream of becoming a concert pianist, Lee Siyoon is met with a crippling end to his short-lived career when a car accident leaves his right hand immobile. Finding no reason left to live, he attempts to end his meaningless life. But, instead of meeting his maker, he awakens in the company of a large group of Russian servants. Thrown into this new life as Russian heiress, Tatiana Yuryevna Belchenova, there is one thing that’s still familiar, the piano. Unable to give up his dream, Siyoon decides to embrace being Tatiana and attends the most prestigious classical music school in Russia. But, with Tatiana’s body refusing to cooperate with Siyoon’s mind, will he manage to make it to the top this time? To make matters worse, he’s surrounded by some surprisingly tough competition and they’re all still just teenagers! Confronted with Tatiana’s dark secrets, family and classmates who despised the old Tatiana, and teenage boys who are overly interested in the new one, Siyoon has a long road ahead of him. ⓒ Lee Syano, Rosa foetida / ROKMEDIA All rights reserved. Published by Tappytoon under license from partners.


The Dawn in Moscow
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