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On a Leash

By: Aji
[Age 16+ ver.] In a war between the shapeshifters who dwell on land and those who control the skies, renegade hero, Sergeant Irene Red, is as feisty as she is fierce. Ready to throw herself into enemy lines against all orders, there is only one thing she fears; the allied reptilian medic, Captain Ruce Duval. While "Red" is ready to put herself in harm's way for the sake of her comrades, her reckless tactics always send her back into the clutches of the twisted captain. Even in the midst of battle, these two seem to always run into each other. While Ruce can't keep her hands to herself, Red can't figure out why Ruce keeps running through her mind. But this growing interest soon traps Red like a leash around her neck. As passions spark and boundaries are pushed, how long before this wet-nosed virgin is swept up by her scaly superior? ⓒ On A Leash / Aji All rights reserved. Published by Tappytoon under license from partners.
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